As is generally known, the diameter of the shank of a cornet is smaller than that of a trumpet. Most Schilke models are available for both the trumpet and cornet. In general, a slightly larger cup and throat favors the cornet tone.
Our brass mouthpieces are silver plated, unless specified otherwise.
Model | mm | inches | throat | Description |
5A4 | 15.84 | .624 | 26 | Small cup diameter which aids upper register. This is a popular piccolo mouthpiece. Available in both trumpet and cornet shank |
6A4a | 15.99 | .630 | 27 | A shallow ‘A” cup with cushion #4 rim for extreme high register work. |
7B4 | 16.08 | .633 | 26 | Excellent for the player with thin lips. A #4 rim provides good endurance with a brilliant tone. |
8A4 | 16.25 | .640 | 26 | The slightly funnel-shaped cup at the entrance to the throat provides a good tone and the #4 semi-flat rim gives superior endurance. |
8E2 | 16.15 | .636 | 26 | The deep funnel-shaped cup provides a smooth tone and is very flexible in all registers. Recommended for cornet players. |
9 | 16.33 | .643 | 26 | Standard characteristics allow for a full penetrating tone quality. |
9C4 | 16.36 | .644 | 26 | Like the #9, however the #4 semi-flat rim provides excellent endurance. |
10A4a | 16.43 | .647 | 27 | The combination of the shallow “A” cup, semi-flat #4 rim and tight “a” backbore assists with upper register work. |
10A4 | 16.43 | .647 | 27 | Same as the 10A4a but with a standard “c” backbore, which offers less resistance. |
10B4 | 16.43 | .643 | 26 | A medium-small funnel-shaped “B” cup offers both a quality sound and support in the register |
11A | 16.51 | .650 | 26 | This rim size and contour is similar to the #11 but with a shallower “A” cup. |
11AX | 16.51 | .650 | 27 | This model was developed for the Schilke piccolo trumpets. The “x’ backbore improves the ease of playing and opens up the sound on the piccolo. Also available in a trumpet shank. |
11C2 | 16.51 | .650 | 26 | Similar to the #11 featuring a slightly rounded #2 rim countour. |
11 | 16.53 | .653 | 26 | A superior mouthpiece with standard characteristics for a free blowing mouthpiece. |
11D4 | 16.58 | .653 | 26 | Slightly deeper than the #11 with a #4 semi-flat rim, which provides a definate cushion feel for endurance. |
11E | 16.58 | .653 | 26 | The large funnel-shaped cup encourages a big round tone, ideal for cornet. |
12A4a | 16.71 | .658 | 27 | Similar to the 12B4 but with a shallow “A” cup, tight “a” backbore which adds both endurance and range. |
12A4 | 16.71 | .658 | 27 | This mouthpiece is the same as a 12A4a but with a standard “c” backbore. |
12B4 | 16.71 | .658 | 26 | This medium-small conical “B” cup provides a full tone and the #4 semi-flat rim allows for more endurance. |
12 | 16.69 | .657 | 26 | A traditional medium size mouthpiece that includes a #3 standard rim and “c” backbore allows the player a full spectrum of sound. |
13A4a | 16.76 | .660 | 27 | The shallow “A” cup, semi-flat #4 rim and tight “a” backbore creates an ideal lead mouthpiece. |
13A4 | 16.76 | .660 | 27 | Same as the 13A4a but with the standard “c” backbore which allows a freer blowing feel. |
13B | 16.77 | .660 | 26 | This mouthpiece has a “B” cup that is slightly deeper than the 13A4 and also offers a narrower, round rim. |
13 | 16.89 | .665 | 26 | New – Ideal choice for a student or developing player with standard #3 rim contour. Rounder rim provides increased flexibility and quick response. “C” cup offers volume for tone. |
13C4 | 16.89 | .665 | 26 | A somewhat sharp inner-edge combined with a funnel-shaped “C” cup offers a clear tone. The #4 semi-flat rim adds increased endurance. |
13D4 | 16.89 | .665 | 27 | New – Best option for a player looking for a thick, rich, weighted sound. Medium large ‘D’ cup offers a tone that is colorful with depth. #4 semi-flat rim affords comfort with sharper bite for superior articulation clarity. Diameter ideal for all players from student to professional. |
14A4a | 17.09 | .673 | 27 | One of our most popular mouthpieces, the 14A4a offers a shallow “A” cup, semi-flat #4 rim and tight “a” backbore allows a player a strong upper register without sacrificing tonal production. |
14A4 | 17.09 | .673 | 27 | Same as the 14A4a but with a standard “c” backbore which offers a more “open” feel. |
14A4x | 17.09 | .673 | 27 | Based on the popular 14A4a, this mouthpiece creates a very open blowing feel with the large “x” backbore. This backbore improves the ease of playing and opens up the sound of our piccolo trumpet. Also ideal for Eb soprano cornet. |
14B | 17.02 | .670 | 26 | Similar to the #14 but with a “B” (medium-small) cup size. |
14C2 | 17.02 | .670 | 26 | This “C” cup and #2 semi-rounded rim produces a rather large tone and good center. |
14 | 17.02 | .670 | 26 | With a standard rim, cup and backbore, the 14 is an excellent choice for all around playing. |
15A4a | 17.14 | .675 | 27 | A larger diameter mouthpiece with a shallow “A” cup and tight “a” backbore for upper register playing. #4 semi-flat rim offers comfort in upper register. |
15A4 | 17.14 | .675 | 27 | Same as the 15A4a but with a larger “c” backbore for an open feel. |
15B | 17.12 | .674 | 26 | With the same diameter as the #15, this mouthpiece includes “B” style cup which produces a more brilliant sound than the standard #15 mouthpiece. |
15 | 17.12 | .674 | 26 | An excellent all-around mouthpiece which offers a free blowing, clear sound. |
15C4 | 17.14 | .675 | 26 | This mouthpiece is similar to the #15 but with the #4 semi-flat rim for increased endurance. |
16B4 | 17.2 | .677 | 26 | New – Same as the #16C4 except the shallower, medium-small “B” cup offers more resistance, providing a brighter quality of sound. The 16B4 is an excellent choice for Eb trumpet when a player requires a bigger rim diameter. |
16C4 | 17.2 | .677 | 26 | Similar to the 16 in dimensions, this mouthpiece offers our #4 semi-flat rim for a more traditional feel and increased endurance. |
16 | 17.2 | .677 | 26 | With all the standard Schilke charactistics, this medium-large diameter mouthpiece produces a full, free blowing quality. |
16C2 | 17.2 | .677 | 26 | This model offers the same options as the 16, but instead offers a #2 rim for increased flexibility. |
17B4 | 17.33 | .682 | 26 | New – Well suited for the player looking for a shallower cup in a larger diameter. Medium-small “B” cup offers more brilliance for projection with #4 semi-flat rim for comfort. |
17 | 17.33 | .682 | 26 | A compromise of all the medium characteristics, this mouthpiece is an excellent medium to large diameter mouthpiece. |
17D4 | 17.33 | .682 | 26 | This mouthpiece includes a deeper “D” cup and #4 semi-flat rim for improved endurance. |
17D4d | 17.33 | .682 | 26 | A larger blowing mouthpiece than the 17D4 because of the increase “d” backbore. |
18B4 | 17.52 | .690 | 26 | New – Ideal for a classical player looking for a commercial sound, the medium shallow cup and semi-flat rim provide resistance and comfort for upper register playing. Cup shape offers some sparkle in the sound with enough volume for tone. |
18 | 17.52 | .690 | 26 | The high point being nearer to the center makes this mouthpiece feel smaller than it is. The standard characteristics produce a rich, brilliant tone |
18C3d | 17.52 | .690 | 26 | Similar in dimension to the 18 but with a larger “d” backbore producing a large, teutonic tone. |
19 | 17.65 | .695 | 26 | The “C” cup, #3 rim and standard “c” backbore are similar to the #20 but with a slightly smaller diameter |
20 | 17.78 | .700 | 26 | This large diameter is for the robust embouchure. Original mouthpiece of choice for Renold O. Schilke. |
20D2d | 17.73 | .698 | 26 | Similar to the #20 in diameter but includes a larger “D” style cup, #2 semi-round rim and larger “d” backbore. |
22 | 18.03 | .710 | 26 | Similar to the #20 but with a larger inside dimeter. |
24 | 18.29 | .720 | 26 | Our largest cup diameter offered. This mouthpiece provides a huge volume of sound. |